
Moss Studio in Altrincham is a small, friendly studio offering ceramics classes for all ability levels. An experienced teacher will be on hand to guide you through the processes and offer advice. More advanced participants will have the opportunity to be more self directed.

What we offer:

Pottery wheel classes, These are available as a 2 hour taster session or booked over four consecutive weeks for a more in depth experience.

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β€˜One-off β€˜ hand building classes are a great opportunity to experiment with clay and make a unique item. The teacher will be on hand to guide you step by step through the process, in a safe fun environment.

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Family workshops are one-off classes on Saturdays. Moss Studio allows you to share a creative and fun experience with your little ones. Children are naturally creative and inquisitive. These hand building workshops provide a fantastic opportunity for them to express themselves and increase their confidence. (a maximum of 3 children under the age of 12 per participating adult, the adult will take part in the class and create an item too)

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PAINT A POT We now offer Paint a Pot, suitable for all ages and abilities. We have a large selection of pots ready to be painted in a design of your choice. (This is also an option for customers that have attended one of our other classes to be able to return to hand paint their creations)

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